Friday 7 October 2016

Locked inside a Dream

Reasons unknown to me are the thoughts that run inside my head. It's at the dead hours of the night, and being an insomniac doesn't really help. There's a dull ache inside of my chest, bearable at first then excruciating the second.

I always had dangerous outlooks, just like the others placed in a similar situation to mine. Being induced with depression and anxiety is something of the norm after all.

Anyways, I found myself unable to move.

My breathing was shallow as if I was drowning, and when I tried to scream out for help, all the words were stuck down into my throat. Crying internally seemed to be the only thing I can do, pleading that the pain would soon end.

Static was ringing inside my ears, vision a blur.

Then. I heard their voices.

Pristine white against black.

I was saved.

Hands reaching out to pull me out from that state, a smile and the usual banter evident from how they act.

Then, all of them suddenly fades,

To nothingness.

Like they were never there.

Suddenly, a noose wrapped itself on my neck.

An with one jump to end it all.

I was given finality at the cost of my life.

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