Thursday 13 October 2016

Dark, Darker yet Darker

              Blood was always evident in Emilio Magpantay’s fingertips, some still fresh while others left dry. I knew him better than most, I knew the reason why. It was always the both of us, playing as lovers, something inacceptable that they never knew. Never thought it’d come to the day, where I’d give him the conclusion he chose.

            “I need to revise this.” He often would say, leaning against my shoulder as auburn eyes gaze at the complied manuscripts, where crimson stains pristine white papers when his hand begins to move. To edit the course, to reveal of the story where his life is depicted, “Horrible, Deplorable.” It was a chant under his breath, “Disgusting, Loathsome.”

He stops to face me, a manic grin placed on his lips.

“Unacceptable, Repulsive.”

His fingers wrap themselves around my neck.

“I’m useless, worthless, who can’t create a proper story.”

I feel my breath escaping as it tightens, my head starts to spin.

“I can’t even say stop to the people who hurt me.”

I’d say nothing in regards to it, even if I did he’d never listen.

He leans near to place a kiss on my lips, lithe fingers loosening its grip as he pushes me down on the wooden floor where papers began to scatter.

It’s always been this way.

            Weeks have passed, perhaps a month or two, he had already published his work to that local fiction distributing company at Barangay Kalayaan. Unknowingly, Emilio never did found finality from it.
            It wasn’t over yet.   
“You’re biting them again.” I call out to him, crouching down when he faces me with a wry smile, pulling away bleeding flesh away from his lips. “You promised me you’d stop.”

Evident was the metallic taste of rust when he responds with a chaste kiss on my lips, shallow at first, deeper at the second. Crimson stained the corners of my mouth, wet and swollen.

“You promised me.” I continued, on the verge of tears.

            “Offer me the end, finish my misery.” Emilio says instead, “Don’t worry, what you’re doing is nothing but a responsibility, not an obligation.” He shifts his weight, to slip his hand under the bed, a gun pressing against my chest when he does so.

            “Am I not enough?”

            He offers me nothing but a smile, an answer that I already knew.

Pulling the trigger was easy, seeing him fall wasn’t.      

            It hurts.
Flash Fiction

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