Thursday 13 October 2016

A Swamp Inside a Candy Chamber

It was Wednesday morning. The skies are blue, flowers blooming and birds chirping. Hansel and Gretel were playing at their yard, with smiles on their faces. Hansel was playing with his toy sword and Gretel with her doll. They were there since sunrise. They are enjoying with what they are doing. 

Wonderland, the place where mostly believed supernatural power exist. Hansel and Gretel are the children of great Zeus and Athena, and it’s been said that they gave their powers to them before they left. Summer was fast approaching and the two children discovered their superpowers.

 The siblings don’t know how to use their powers yet. That time they saw a rabbit running towards the hole. “Come and I’ll teach you how to use your powers.” the rabbit said.

 “How can we go inside that hole? It’s so small.” Hansel asked with a puzzled look.

The rabbit gave them the instruction. Just find your wands where your mother or your parents gave you since birth. Then Hansel was thinking where they put their wands. Suddenly, Gretel remembered that he saw two wands on their parents’ closet.

Now they are planning how to get their wands. It is hard because their parents has a strong powers specially their father Zeus was very strict and the strongest among them all.

They will do everything just to get the wands. As they approach the closet where the wands are found, a vampire appeared before them.

The vampire, named Lianna, gave a word riddle. They didn’t know the answer and with Lianna giving them a smirk, they knew something was about to go down. The woman loomed over them, rotting claws drawing near.

Hansel and Gretel stood motionlessly, fear instilled within their chests. A child of golden hair rushed to their aide. And want to hug them like a jaguar. Hansel and Gretel was totally unaware of what the golden haired child did.

Hansel and Gretel look at each other and was shocked. Looks can absolutely be deceiving the golden haired child was actually a jaguar and Lianna was a witch owning a candy house.

 Inside the chamber, the foul smelling beast of Lianna- the witch appeared.

 She was about to devour the two.

 Hansel and Gretel woke up, a few seconds and realized they were just dreaming, however Lianna and the golden-haired child-jaguart appeared by their door, Hansel and Gretel realized the dream was just about to begin.
Fairytail with a Twist

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