Thursday 13 October 2016

Human Rights

            Human rights are natural rights of all human beings whatever their nationality, religion, ethnicity, sex, language and color. Everyone is equally entitled to human rights without discrimination.

            Hence, human rights are absolute rights that protect our dignity as human beings where there are six different kinds of rights people have in a society, namely:
  • Natural rights which are given by God which allows the right to live, love and to be happy.
  •  Constitutional rights that are guaranteed by the charted of the country against unreasonable searches and seizures, the bill of attainder, safeguarding the accused under the bill of rights and the like.
  •   Statutory rights are which provided by the governing bodies such as the right to gain the average wage.
  • Civil rights are rights specified under the bill of rights, those fall under this category are freedom of speech, the right of information and such. These are enjoyed by a citizen in a specified country.
  • Economic rights are rights to property, like the right to discard or use one’s property, the right to practice his profession and the right to make a living.
  • Political rights are rights that enable a citizen to vote as a member of a body politic and to be voted into a public office.

The protection of various rights promotes the notion of human dignity, through this, can only dignity be defined where the concept of human rights be measured and valued as such. With the knowledge and understanding this basic though will help many know their duties and act accordingly to become a productive member of the society. 

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