Friday 4 December 2020

Online class, truly a demanding lover

 There’s no denying that 2020 has been such a bad year for everyone where a smile turns into a grimace and a relatively happy day turns sour. When you think that things could not get worse, it actually does. School, in particular, has become very taxing, and that the level of education that is “learnt” in a digital fashion is not up to par when you are inside a classroom, and I’m pretty sure most of us agree with that contention.

I miss having to be inside a university classroom where I can actually participate in education endeavours particularly when my teachers call for someone to recite or report a topic, where I am able to discuss with my friends about the topics in class or just to gossip, and whatnot. I also miss the school events, the long seminars, the wacky interactions with fellow classmates, the OG Political Science instructors and so much more.

What we thought was going to be a few weeks inside the comforts of our home was prolonged into months, very exhausting months in quarantine. With the fear of being infected and with no apparent vaccine in sight, that’s the only thing we do, unfortunately.

Anyways, going back to the subject of school. Online classes, in a sense, is a very demanding lover. Where it’s a relationship that requires a learning phase. Let’s put it this way, a relationship can be very daunting, right? It’s the same with digital lectures. The first few weeks, you’re definitely into it but there are instances where it feels awkward and intimidating, and while most think that it’s fine because you’re simply easing into it, it doesn’t remove the fact that it really takes a lot from you.

Online classes also demand constant attention. You want to appease it, so you get to work and finish the modules to make it happy. But then you’re burdened with low internet connection as well as the frequent mismanagement of your time because, if you’re like me, depression and anxiety is being exacerbated from long periods of time staying indoors, eyes stuck on a monitor. Digital classes definitely do not appreciate being put on the backburner, and they retaliate like a jilted lover would, giving you a grade (read: in a relationship, probably a slap to the face or something that angry couples do) that either makes you cry, cringe or both.

Well, enough of the relationship metaphors. All that I am saying here is that while online classes are a truly advantageous platform for education in the time of pandemic, as it is rather convenient for some people,  it is so much more stressful than coming inside a classroom and it’s not as convenient as it appears ── low internet connectivity, slow running gadgets and other technical difficulties. As far as I know, both teachers and students are physically, emotionally, and mentally drained from this whole crap-storm.

In order to distract myself from everything, of the events narrated in television of the ineptitude of the government towards the COVID-19 response and the utter idiocy of some people thinking that they’re highly educated social media experts, I go out and walk with my dog to feel a sense normalcy, buying junk food and colas to ease my stress levels.

I have also come to the appreciation of studying properly after how severely I flopped in certain subjects in the midterms last semester (read: I studied for 4 hours for Civil Law 1 and got 98/100, I spent about 3 hours in Criminal Law 1 to get 60/100. Earnestly doing this got me good grades in the finals.) And while I strived to do the same in the current term, my mental health couldn’t keep up. I just think that people need to understand that this is not easy and that you’re not exactly retaining the information that’s being shared when it comes to reading and writing it down on your own. Sure, people have different forms of learning, but it is so much better when person, particularly an instructor, is there to guide you in the learning process. Alas, they cannot be there because they too are having a hard time.

Overall, I think that the pandemic bought upon a lot of realization with certain things, for school and its transition to digital learning, it is a lot more tiring and that people are less privileged are definitely suffering so much more from it. Modular learning and whatnot are not all its cracked up to be, I sincerely want the high-ups in the Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to recognize that there should be an academic compromise. As for the social ills that are now obvious to everyone, civic participation is a thing and I hope they find it themselves to move away from archaic and false belief when it comes to good governance and social accountability of public servants (read: vote in the 2022 elections.) Lastly, people should be able to prioritize their own health in these trying times, it is not wrong take care of yourself and if buying clothes or food makes you feel a little better, you should. We all need some tender love and care to get us through.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Of Hardships and Dreams

Elamar “Ela” De Leon is a headstrong, compassionate, and intense individual, whose values and beliefs encompass who she is as a person, defined by the littlest traits, of the small nuances of a pen etching carefully crafted words in the book of her life. 

Bought on to the world in the second of November 1991 through loving parents, Mario De Leon and Edna Ojano, Ela was the youngest of her siblings. She grew up in a relatively kind household, a reminder of a bright childhood through warm hugs, gifts, and kisses.

However, reality is far from the fairy tale’s children are led to believe. 

In a random day, just like any other, Ela was accompanied by father, going on their way to her mother’s house for bath. She remembers it vividly, the soft a smile on her lips where his rough, calloused palms gently held her hand. It felt like eternity, a gentle reminiscent of childhood. 

His death, however, was something that engraved itself on her being. Something that felt like a piece of her soul was torn apart from her.

Ela was just five years old when her mother, in quiet whispers told her that Mario, her beloved father, had died, minutes after she was with him. Edna has held her close that day, narrating how the barrel of a gun was pressed coldly against her father’s temple, with an unknown man his reaper.

The scream of onlookers now becomes an echoing reminder of blood staining concrete; of how loudly their voices resonated within their chest, and how the expletives released from their mouths became an incessant noise of how her father perished in the neighboring barangay.

There were no named suspects, witnesses nor no leads. Motivations of the murder led to speculations of money problems. Its reality made manifest, where it is not completely free of pervasive despair and misery. It is a sad thought that Ela had to learn it early.

Life continued to move after that, but the grim truth slowly becoming a reoccurring thought in Ela’s mind.

The following year, her mother married once more, becoming pregnant with another daughter. One of her cousins narrated that other than the siblings she knew, there were more in her father’s side which, unfortunately, she had not met until that point of time.

The sands of time continue to trickle by, leading to an act of rebellion in Ela’s younger years. She was always left at home alone, where her mother and her new family found solace amongst themselves, seemingly leaving her behind. Ela has found a haven in her elder sister, another human that played a significant role in her life where she became a source of newfound strength. Despite having to study in Dagupan, four towns away from her, that older sibling often went home for the weekends. Unlike her mother who grew distant from her, never attending school gatherings nor celebrations like her graduation.

It is a sad reality, Ela muses to herself.

Low scores in tests resulted in being beaten black and blue. The simplest of mistakes led to her mother’s heavy hand on her young body, like forgetting to wash the dishes, the rice prepared was too wet, the baby bottle’s were not warmed up properly or the chicken feed was soaked in water. She tried to run, but to no avail. Ela did not have anywhere to go.

The members of her family grow weary and, somewhat afraid of her mother. 

Ela, in young fervors and often casual mistakes, has learned to drink liquor at the raw age of twelve, the same age where running away from her dysfunctional household became a norm. She met her first boyfriend and started smoking thereafter. A child living in an adult’s world.

Entering her teenage years, events of infidelity were put on the forefront where her stepfather was sleeping with another woman that led to his and Edna’s separation. Ela always seemed to know, to understand the nuances of lip stick stains and beautiful smelling perfumes, but seems like a drag to get involved in.

In her 2nd to 3rd year in secondary education, she was often accompanied by someone due to her stubborn and rebellious nature. She found it to be the last straw when she entered the last year of high school, Ela could only bring a small smirk on her lips when she realized her guardians have grown tired of telling her off.

Years later, an older self-came into view. No longer were baby fat evident in her flesh, the way she presented herself was now different. A course in her life was starting to take view. 

There were still conflicts present between her and her mother, where she wasn’t able to take pre-law due to Edna’s repeating words that Ela became too much to deal with. She ended up having to take two years of Human Resource Management in a local private university, which led, interestingly enough, made her more defiant. Often times, she would come into class drunk, the scent of cigarettes sticking onto her clothes hid only by perfume. Despite this, her grades were top notch, which is a feat in itself.

However, Ela was slowly marked as the black sheep of her family, an unwanted child.

She was found by her mother drinking liquor haplessly at some shady bar, calling a friend of Ela’s who tattled on where she could be. Ela found it hilarious, her mother thought differently.

Going back to the contention of being an HRM graduate, Edna wanted her daughter to apply as a data encoder in Bayambang, Pangasinan. It felt was though she was trying to get rid of Ela for good, and the small changes of not wanting her daughter to attend her own graduation felt like a nail in the coffin, where words of it’s a waste of money if Ela went. 

Ela knew that she was the best in bartending, and she felt like she needed to go. And so, she did without the knowledge of Edna. She walked alone, and she stood alone in the stage as she gathered her award. Ela could only laugh at her own teacher who wept when they knew of her situation and told her that if no one is going to walk her, they could have done so instead.

Despite her prior protests, Ela did work in Bayambang, earning the title of the top three faster encoder. She only worked for about three months, not being able to stomach the 12-hour shift where her eyesight grew blurry and that her mother could not be bothered to care about her wellbeing. She decided to go back, in Dagupan where she works in the law firm of her uncle while studying for commerce, leading up to eight years of work experience. 

He mother got caught in an accident, thereafter, leading to a different perspective in her life.

Ela ended up having to take care of her mother, who became bedridden for almost two year. She had to change her diapers, bathed her, just like she would a newborn baby. That was the moment where a brittle relationship renewed to a sharper steel, where they got better about the past.

She also had her somewhat serious relationship, where both she and her boyfriend stayed together in an intermittent relationship. After she caught him with a random woman from the beer houses, well, Ela immediately broke up with him. Having to believe that he is not worth the tears for since she has another person in mind.

For over twenty lovers or so, she finally met the person who could stand toe-to-toe with her, where she could proudly call him, her partner. They met on the 26th of June 2013, leading up to multiple drinking sessions and free-flowing conversations. In the 29th they became official and on the 2nd of July 2013, they finally lived together. They have reached the 7th year of their relationship, and despite the misunderstandings and childish banters, they moved past it, making their romantic connection stronger.  

He was Ela’s impulse control, the one who told her to stop smoking or to go out needlessly. What her guardians could not do, he did it easily. Ela knew that he was the one. The way he cares for her, his affections made her heart skip a beat. It felt like the perfect fit in a jigsaw puzzle. He was a parental figure, a best friend, a sibling, an enemy and a lover. Ela became a better person because of how he poured so much of himself to allow her to change, to chase her dreams in becoming a lawyer.

Needless to say, Elamar De Leon is on her way to create a legacy for herself. To build an image of social responsibility for the youths who experience the same hardships as she did. With the people she trusts and with a partner that will stand by her every step of the way.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Alaminos Mayor led distribution of allowance and certificates of youth scholars

Mayor Arth Bryan Celeste distributed allowance and certificates to the category A youth scholars in Alaminos City, Pangasinan on October 25.

In show of the Mayor’s support in the educational wellbeing of the youth, especially those who belong in poor households, deserving high school graduates from both public and private institutions are given financial aid in order to make college level learning available to them.

Scholarship coordinator Realyn Lejero discussed the implementing guidelines of being a scholar and the different categories students are sorted into when it comes to the availment of specific monetary aid in a face-to-face orientation, while Scholarship Committee members Maridel, Rabac, Romando Biguas, Mary Kris Jimeze and Helen Contreras aided in the distribution of allowances per youth scholar alongside Mayor Celeste.

Category A is for valedictorians and salutatorians from public high schools, receiving Php 5,000.00 per month, a total of Php 50,000.00 per academic year with a maintain grade set by the Alaminos City Scholarship. Category B covers students studying in Pangasinan State University, granting them full scholarships. Lastly, Category C is available to students from higher educational institutes which receives a financial grant of Php 5,000.00 per semester that is valid for one academic year.

Further announcements on the distribution of allowances and certificates to both Category B and C will be posted on LGU- Alaminos City, Pangasinan’s Facebook page.

Saturday 19 September 2020

Faces of Fake News

The prevalent issue of fake news within the Philippines would slowly become its downfall and with media illiterates, we could only hope for better outcomes. Disinformation is not something new, and it always has been a pain in the neck of truth seekers out there. But with the rise of digital media, everything seems to be spiralling out of control. And it is not just showbiz on the headlines, Fake news is fuelled everything that our fellowmen care about, by what intrigues them.

And it is not just politics. Where here in the Philippines almost every single headline seems to be in support of President Duterte’s government, that he is one of the best statesmen existing in this day and age. Others are just to ruin reputation and to sully a person’s name.

Not just entertainment or sports, where the former wants to pronounce someone either dead or sick with the latter merely misinforming the audience of false promises or just trying to engage someone into a controversial argument of who did what.

Fake news also extends to the academe. Coming across as a simple announcement in a page unrelated to a reliable one, or to rephrase a statement made by a prominent figure to meet their biased outlooks and to spark controversy.

And disinformation reaches to the medical field as well.

The point is, fake news is damaging and among the websites that we visit and the pages that we tend to linger to, its apparent that it exists almost everywhere. According to Verashni Pillay, the Editor-in-Chief of Huffington Post, South Africa, “Fake news poisons the atmosphere that we all operate in. Because fake news exists, audiences are now doubtful about all news. It has really damaged the relationship between audience members and the media.”

Through click bait posts, apparent propaganda and sloppy journalism, a lot of people are either more distrustful of reliable media or die-hard believers. Though in the past it has served to be a platform to empower truth and socio-political movement, fake news makes it hard for many to make good judgement. 
Maria Ressa, co-founder, and CEO of Rappler, Philippines, has made it known to us that there are at least 300 websites spreading fake news within the Philippines, that in social media, disinformation is exacerbated. “With about 54 million Facebook users in the Philippines, social media is a powerful weapon used to silence dissent and mold public opinion.”

The term technological ease comes to mind when it comes to the relationship between Fake News and Social Media, where according to Guide authors, Shevon Desai, Hailey Mooney and Angela Oehrli (2020), the “copying, pasting, clicking and sharing content online has helped these types [Fake News] of articles to proliferate.” The overall intent to both misinform, to shape or change public opinion on a certain topic and disinform, to increase emotional response the reading audience.

In any case, all we can do at this point is to share and teach our colleagues, friends, and family in both recognizing fake news and how to combat it. As to spot false information, tell them to take a closer look and ask whether or not the website is satirical or not. We should also remind them to be wary of outlandish claims and to always double check whether the site they are reading the news at is actual reliable. 

And if they are still not sure of the site they are visiting, the following online fact checking websites are just for them.
    1. Snopes:
    2. PolitiFact:
    3. Fact Check:
    4. Channel 4 Fact Check:

With that being said, there is also a need to stop the spread of fake news through reporting and flagging said media sites and to never mention such hoax in conversation or to share it to others through email or chat.

Fake news deliberately changes the truth and exaggerates facts to sensationalize an event, to generate ad revenue through web traffic, to besmirch the identity of a person, to exacerbate an existing problem or to push with a particular group's political agenda. It is a damaging phenomenon that deceives people and that it needs to be rid of to avoid further idiocies taking hold a person's belief or ideology. 


Monday 14 September 2020

To Die or Not to Die

There are a lot of things in my mind in the last couple of months ever since the quarantine reared its ugly head and most of them are not good things. I have been thinking of the worth of my life and what I have accomplished, and it is not a very remarkable sight to say the very least.

I graduated as the first place in Senior High for the Humanities and Social Sciences track. I played piano and won a couple of championship trophies. And that is it. My crowning glories. It is sad to say but I cannot think of anything else noteworthy.

I want to learn new languages, be better in my studies, do well in life but it does not seem plausible now. Especially when I am fighting against myself and the entirety of my being. I am tired. I want to just sleep and not think about anything at all. 

My fingers no longer as nimble when I was younger, my head is a stuttering mess. I cannot focus on the things that I loved. I cannot look at my reflection in the mirror and say to myself that I am proud of the things I have done, of the things that I have accomplished.

I have been recently diagnosed with Episodic Depression, and as much that says something about my mental being. It does not ignore the fact that my willingness to do anything is compromised not by a mere sickness but my own drive as well. Let us be honest, depression is indeed a sickness, a dog that follows you around obediently, but you could still be in control if you truly wanted it out of your life. Sure, it is a hard process, and it is an ugly one at that, but we can fight it. I just do not see any reason why I would persevere still.

I do not have any ambitions now. I do not want to do anything at all. So much for flowery words and beautiful nuances of "dreams" and "aspirations" when you have come into the point where nothing else matters, where nothing matters. Music? I have seemed to just grow tired. The static in my head seem to be loud enough. Films? Too tired to even understand a word the characters spout most of the time. Books? I still like them, but I cannot seem to flip another page, I think I have grown utterly bored of them.

I do not have any memories that I am very fond of. We grow old, we forget.  Same with life lessons, most that I have learned seem to be a vague notion now. It just baffles me how come there are people who have their life together, where they could function day by day without wanting to kill themselves. 

I am not special. I am not deluded into thinking that I am. There are a lot of people who have similar problems, who have it worse that I do. But it does not change the fact that how come we are so different? How come even though we want to be better, we still go back to that pitiful, pathetic state that we want to leave behind? 

Kudos to those who can live through this life and be better. 

Monday 10 August 2020

Dopamine and Social Media

It is a rush that the youth craves.

Social media is the being made manifested in the lives of the generation today. A like, a retweet and a comment redefining the identity of every individual, something so impactful that it once started out as a necessity, now becoming a norm, a staple. 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created a study about the relationship of the young people and social media usage, with a total of 11,000 children as respondents to track the significant difference in the brain chemistry. Concluding in their research that there is a surge of the chemical dopamine released in the brain, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in feeling temporary pleasure. Whenever we use social media, we reward ourselves into feeling good, and this cumulates into loss of sleep and focus, choosing swiping down one’s feed rather than doing something productive.

And I wholly agree with how they synthesized the findings. There is an inherent pleasure that comes with watching videos in YouTube or leaving likes on someone’s photo in Instagram, and it is the type of short-term happiness that we seek because, what else is there to be glad about? But it sometimes sacrifices connection with family, social interaction seems to be a tad difficult than just chatting online and it is harder to function without a cell phone in hand. 

Trevor Haynes, a writer from Harvard University, reinforces the concept that particular stimulus, in this case, Social Media, results in feel-good rewards. “Every notification, whether it’s a text message, a “like” on Instagram, or a Facebook notification, has the potential to be a positive social stimulus and dopamine influx.” Social Media on the youth has become a priority because of the surge of pleasure, a desire of social validation, optimizing the need for appraisal that young people become habitual users. The moment the brain receives a “reward”, it translates itself to positive reinforcement and it is hard to get rid off.

The algorithm and advertisement-specific strategy of Social Media is what makes us stay longer on the phone or in front of our laptops. We usually keep to ourselves because of this, the instinctive seeking out of happy hormones is much better than stressing ourselves out. The consequences merely at the back of our minds. Continuous abuse and usage of Social Media translates into disconnection with parent-child relationships, too focused on their own devices and screens to be able to develop a healthy relation. Then engagement in social media affecting the emotional state of users, unable to withdraw oneself when there is restriction in surfing online or when scanning social media websites. 

All we could do is definitely reevaluate the weight of social media in our lives, taking an in-depth look at how we see ourselves and how we could question our habits. It is true that social media is not going away, in fact, I personally do not see it happening ever, but to control our lifestyle is completely up to us. Discipline is something inherent to us and we are not above it. Wise usage of social media and learning to take the time off the screen is not as hard as we make it to be. Mind over matter is what I truly think of it. Of course, I know it does not work out for everyone, but we could at least try.


Saturday 11 July 2020

A Gnawing Thought: ABS-CBN Controversy

A long-running controversy, a national dispute. 

 The ABS-CBN franchise renewal has been on the face of newspapers and of online news outlets, with several theories of why it had been shut down or why there was an issue, to begin with. Many had speculated it to be due to misunderstandings between current President Rodrigo Duterte and the broadcasting centre, some say it is due to ABS-CBN’s multitude of violations such as labour breaches, “pay-per-view” channels without approval from NTC, bias news reporting and others. 

The main argument of those who want to restrain the renewal of the franchise is ABS-CBN’s tax evasion schemes and ownership and management by foreigners. The ones who want it renewed is because they want to uphold the freedom of the press and expression as well as to support the 11,000 workers who were rendered unemployed due to its sudden closure. 

News journals and articles attest to ABS-CBN’s innocence, with GMA News and CNN Philippines backing up the argument that the broadcasting station has no violation committed, has no tax liabilities, and are fully compliant to DOLE directives. The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) admits that ABS-CBN did not violate any franchise terms and the Department of Justice (DOJ) states that Eugenio Gabby Lopez III, the chairman of ABS-CBN Corporation, is a Filipino citizen. 

For the issue on taxes, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), both had admitted that ABS-CBN had been paying their dues and obligations. It has been pointed out that the broadcasting network had regularly filed and paid their taxes, amounting to P14.39 billion from the years 2016-2019 and that there is no pending violation up for debate nor investigation.

Labour Undersecretary Ana Dione had stated that ABS-CBN had, “fully complied” with general labour standards, occupational health and safety standards, and measures to ensure the security of tenure of its employees following “directives” issued by the Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE)” And there were accounts and testimonies to say that, indeed, ABS-CBN has been treating its workers well. 

According to Christian V. Esguerra, a writer ABS-CBN News, the NTC had stated that, “ABS-CBN Corp. did not violate the terms of its old franchise when it introduced multiple programs through its TV plus digital boxes.” This just affirms the thought that ABS-CBN has its permits for its broadcast services, the six programs in one channel is ultimately allowed. 

Overall, many had seen the closure of ABS-CBN as an attack to broadcast media, with fallacies up and about destroying its reputation. But just as we have much evidence to prove that the station had own up to its end of the bargain, the House of Representatives seems to think otherwise. 

 Neil Arwin Mercado, a reporter for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, has stated, “After 12 gruelling marathon hearings tackling several issues hounding media giant ABS-CBN’s bid for a 25-year franchise, lawmakers who are for and against the franchise summed up their arguments on Thursday, marking the end of the debates on the highly contentious issue—at least in the House committee level.” 

With a 70-11 vote, leaning towards the denial of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal, it seems to be the “end of the road” for the broadcasting station. The House of Representatives, with the recommendation of the Technical Working Group (TWG), has found that the resolution for the franchise application is by no means related to “freedom of the press.” The apparent closure of the broadcasting station is due to it being violative of the Philippine Constitution and that it is unworthy of a renewal. 

The Panel defends their contentions through the following statements, (1) Eugenio Lopez became the President of ABS-CBN before being recognized as a Filipino and that there is doubt to his allegiance to the Philippines. Lopez was the CEO of the broadcasting station in the year 1993, but it was only in 2001 where he had applied for recognition of his Philippine citizenship. (2) ABS-CBN were issuing Philippine Depositary Receipts (PDR) to foreigners, holding that there is apparent favour of foreigners with shares leaning towards them. (3) The Broadcasting station had reached its 50-year limit, violating Section 11, Article XII of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. (4) ABS-CBN’s labour practices are less than desirable, often times leading to the illegal dismissal of workers. And plenty more others that involve tax evasion, the TV plus box, and KBO pay-per-view which violates laws and provisions of the Philippine Constitution. 

From reading this post, to weigh the truth and to choose a side is upon you, the reader. 

I still saw it as an attack to press freedom and an apparent slow, political decay. 

The congress does not speak for the people nor were their will the same as the citizen’s sentiments. ABS-CBN has committed abuses, that much is clear. But they still served as the voice of the people, reaching even the impoverished, to hear of reliable news sources as well as offering some amusement. 

 But, as I state above, to look at the situation is entirely yours. For me, I want them to know that the closure should not have happened. I stand by my favourite quote, “A little hope, no matter how desperate, is never without worth.” 


Tuesday 7 July 2020

Of Quarantine and Thoughts that came with It

Andy stared at the screen of laptop and thought to herself, “Is this all there is?”

The quarantine has not been doing her any favours, and she thinks that many would share the same sentiment as her. The girl feels like everything is a simulation where God is looking down at his creation, acting like it is another Sims 4 gameplay. Her character tends to do random to things on a whim like pacing back and forth in the four corners of her room to ruminating about driving a knife on her stomach.

As macabre that statement was, it is a laughable thing at the grand scheme of things.

“It’s a dystopian fantasy world where we’re all trying to speed run the apocalypse,” The girl mutters to herself, scrolling at her Facebook feed as the heavy tune of “Adrenalize” by In this Moment plays in the background. She lets out an exasperated sigh when news of the government screwing everyone over catches her eye, and a couple others trying make light of the situation, "The funny stuff doensn't change the fact that everything is in flames."

“They don’t care, you know.”

She chuckles at the sardonic tone of her younger sister, Viviane, “The oligarchs trying to ruin everyone because they want the people to cut their heads off.” The girl looks over the news feed again, laughing lowly at the “Eat the rich,” meme, “That’s the tea”

“Mom just got home from work.”


“There’s a lot a people out still.” Viviane says, not removing her gaze from her phone, “Life got harder ever since the enhanced quarantine. The privileged blame the poor for the spread of the virus but it’s not like they can do anything about it.”

Andy offers the other a wry smile, “The virus exposed the social disparity in its most basic form.” She brings her legs up to her knees, “And, it really brought out the ugly in some people,”

“You think it’s going to get better?”

“I hope so." Andy says but shrugs, "What do you expect from anyone in this hell of a year?"

The days move, a week turns into a month and Andy has found herself thinking of death a whole lot more. There's a sense of isolation, nagging at the back of her mind the longer she stays in the house. She thinks it's her depression talking, worsened by the prolonged days stuck home where random thoughts of self-harm manifests itself. Whatever it is, it just proves Andy's point that the quarantine can mess with a person's mental health.

She calls a lot of people lately, just to address the incessant noise in her head. “I’ve been thinking of harming myself lately.” Andy admits to her girlfriend, casually wiping away the dust and grime on her glasses. Her voice seems to be somewhat stuck on her throat, “I dreamt about cutting my wrists.”

There is the incessant static on Alex’s end, “Are you thinking about doing it?”

Andy contemplates about it. “No.” She says simply, “I don’t think so.”

“Then, you’re still fine.”

“If that’s how you want to look at it.”

Alex laughs, it carried a sad tone with it, “The long stay in the house can be really draining.”

“It is.”

She finally got out of the house, and sees that nothing really changed in the city she lived in.

People were bustling around the shopping district; shops open like there was not a pandemic. If it were not for the multitudes of them wearing face masks and the doctors and military around, Andy would have thought that nothing happened, that the Coronavirus did not happen.

“Pagod na ako.” She overhears one of them say, “Ikakamatay natin tong sakit na to, wala nga lang gamot, minsan wala disiplina ang tao.”

“Sino garud sisisihin natin? Ang hirap na magturo ng daliri.”

“Gobyerno? Tao? Yung mga instik?”

“Tangina talaga.”

The two laughed, but it is noticeable that they are tired.

Andy continues walking, their laughter fading in the noise of people walking down the streets, bags of grocery in tow. She ponders for a while and looks at the elderly woman who slowly trudges towards a fruit vendor, “Manang bakit nakalabas kayo? Bawal po yan.”

“Wala ako kasama sa bahay, ako lang.” She says, her voice somewhat hoarse, “Kung hindi ako bibili, edi sino?”

It is a sad thing. It really is. The woman gets reprimanded and Andy decides not to ogle.

She walks away, does not hear the rest of how the conversation went, but Andy has one thing that she mutters under her breath, “Tangina talaga.”

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Optimistic Thoughts

It was always a painful affair to deal with different devils. There is always a comparison for each hell, to him, it is just silence. All he knows is that he is tired. All he knows is that life does not mean anything. Of course, that does not mean he will just give up. It wasn't like that.

He always found himself trapped where incessant noise rings within his ears. The world, his entirety, was faded into monochromatic images.

Malcontented, disgruntled.

Somehow, the feeling burning in his chest comes in between the words angry and sad. Describing what he felt was ambiguous, more so when he knew his existence was fading away in due time.

Not because of he was dying, instead, his entirety is slipping away in the abyss.

Repetitive, unoriginal, he muses under his breath, watching how ivory flowers lay lazily on his desk, words of death and stupid insults written down angrily.

He had grown tired of this routine to be honest, but, one way or another, he had gotten used to it.

He was not worried however, it was not as if he was going to commit suicide, that is stupid. How could you kill someone who is already dead?

He has gotten to the point where he does not care. The noises will not give up and monochrome stained walls remains to be the same.

He is just tired of everything.

Monday 14 November 2016

The Storyteller

Salutations, dear reader.

I am the author of the stories you are about to read.

Do bear in mind that I am no storyteller. This is just a catchy title that my mind had created on a whim. You could say that, this is probably click-bait. Anyways, despite not being an amusing writer as I pegged myself to be, I enjoy writing stories.

Basically, I write different prompts in regards to my original characters. Most of my works have different genres, the majority belonging in angst but with small glimpses of fluff or perhaps smut. With that said, I would like to remind you that most of them have japanese names given that it’s what I started out with due to being inclined to anime. But before you call me an otaku or a weeabo, I am not one of those things.

An otaku is a term for people who have obsessive interests, mainly manga or perhaps anime, who are rather inclusive which results for most of them to be social inept. I, for one, am not that type of person. A weeabo, however, is a term that is used for ‘Wapanese’ or Wannabe Japanese and I don’t want to be related to them. Not one bit.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy what I write and please, don’t expect much from a newbie like me.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Xenophobia: Unequal

To view clustering, click the link below.

Dark, Darker yet Darker

              Blood was always evident in Emilio Magpantay’s fingertips, some still fresh while others left dry. I knew him better than most, I knew the reason why. It was always the both of us, playing as lovers, something inacceptable that they never knew. Never thought it’d come to the day, where I’d give him the conclusion he chose.

            “I need to revise this.” He often would say, leaning against my shoulder as auburn eyes gaze at the complied manuscripts, where crimson stains pristine white papers when his hand begins to move. To edit the course, to reveal of the story where his life is depicted, “Horrible, Deplorable.” It was a chant under his breath, “Disgusting, Loathsome.”

He stops to face me, a manic grin placed on his lips.

“Unacceptable, Repulsive.”

His fingers wrap themselves around my neck.

“I’m useless, worthless, who can’t create a proper story.”

I feel my breath escaping as it tightens, my head starts to spin.

“I can’t even say stop to the people who hurt me.”

I’d say nothing in regards to it, even if I did he’d never listen.

He leans near to place a kiss on my lips, lithe fingers loosening its grip as he pushes me down on the wooden floor where papers began to scatter.

It’s always been this way.

            Weeks have passed, perhaps a month or two, he had already published his work to that local fiction distributing company at Barangay Kalayaan. Unknowingly, Emilio never did found finality from it.
            It wasn’t over yet.   
“You’re biting them again.” I call out to him, crouching down when he faces me with a wry smile, pulling away bleeding flesh away from his lips. “You promised me you’d stop.”

Evident was the metallic taste of rust when he responds with a chaste kiss on my lips, shallow at first, deeper at the second. Crimson stained the corners of my mouth, wet and swollen.

“You promised me.” I continued, on the verge of tears.

            “Offer me the end, finish my misery.” Emilio says instead, “Don’t worry, what you’re doing is nothing but a responsibility, not an obligation.” He shifts his weight, to slip his hand under the bed, a gun pressing against my chest when he does so.

            “Am I not enough?”

            He offers me nothing but a smile, an answer that I already knew.

Pulling the trigger was easy, seeing him fall wasn’t.      

            It hurts.
Flash Fiction

A Swamp Inside a Candy Chamber

It was Wednesday morning. The skies are blue, flowers blooming and birds chirping. Hansel and Gretel were playing at their yard, with smiles on their faces. Hansel was playing with his toy sword and Gretel with her doll. They were there since sunrise. They are enjoying with what they are doing. 

Wonderland, the place where mostly believed supernatural power exist. Hansel and Gretel are the children of great Zeus and Athena, and it’s been said that they gave their powers to them before they left. Summer was fast approaching and the two children discovered their superpowers.

 The siblings don’t know how to use their powers yet. That time they saw a rabbit running towards the hole. “Come and I’ll teach you how to use your powers.” the rabbit said.

 “How can we go inside that hole? It’s so small.” Hansel asked with a puzzled look.

The rabbit gave them the instruction. Just find your wands where your mother or your parents gave you since birth. Then Hansel was thinking where they put their wands. Suddenly, Gretel remembered that he saw two wands on their parents’ closet.

Now they are planning how to get their wands. It is hard because their parents has a strong powers specially their father Zeus was very strict and the strongest among them all.

They will do everything just to get the wands. As they approach the closet where the wands are found, a vampire appeared before them.

The vampire, named Lianna, gave a word riddle. They didn’t know the answer and with Lianna giving them a smirk, they knew something was about to go down. The woman loomed over them, rotting claws drawing near.

Hansel and Gretel stood motionlessly, fear instilled within their chests. A child of golden hair rushed to their aide. And want to hug them like a jaguar. Hansel and Gretel was totally unaware of what the golden haired child did.

Hansel and Gretel look at each other and was shocked. Looks can absolutely be deceiving the golden haired child was actually a jaguar and Lianna was a witch owning a candy house.

 Inside the chamber, the foul smelling beast of Lianna- the witch appeared.

 She was about to devour the two.

 Hansel and Gretel woke up, a few seconds and realized they were just dreaming, however Lianna and the golden-haired child-jaguart appeared by their door, Hansel and Gretel realized the dream was just about to begin.
Fairytail with a Twist